Nairobi county Anc leader James ‘Gumo’ blasts leaders who attacked Sen Sakaja for his strong support for Anc leader Musalia Mudavadi

.Nairobi county Anc leader James Gumo Onunga blasts leaders who attacked Sen Sakaja fir his strong support for Anc leader Musalia

Amani national Congress leaders in the city have come out strongly in defence of Senator Johnstone Sakaja who over the weekend was a subject of attack by Odm leaders in Nairobi.
Speaking at Anc headquarters in Nairobi, Mr James “Gumo” took issues with those calling Sakaja a non luhya simply because he strongly supports Mudavad’s 2022 presidential bid.
“Super Senator Sakaja must be respected not only as our senator here in Nairobi but as an equal Kenyan who is working for millions of city dwellers. Sakaja’s ability to lead is not questionable, when he was supporting BBI his ethinicity was not queationed but now he is busy supporting Mudavadi it is now an issue” Gumo said.
Sakaja was the youngest person to ever head a political outfit that propelled Uhuru Kenyatta to the presidency as TNA boss.

“Sakaja has achieved much first as TNA party chairman that propelled Uhuru to presidency in 2013 and in 2017 he stood for senatorship and was voted for not only by Luhyas but by all Kenyans in Nairobi.It is therefore an insult for Hon Aladwa the Odm party boss in Nairobi county to start politics of profiling people” added Mr Gumo.
Flanked by other ANC party diehards, Gumo said the train for Mudavadi presidency has already left the station and those with alternative views should focus on selling their manifestos.
Hon Mudavadi has been criss crossing the country selling his Uchumi bora mantra.

“What a pity that in this time and age, someone wants us to go back into our ethnic cocoons in choosing our leaders. If all you have to sell to Nairobians is your ethnicity. We are sorry we shall not board that train” added Absolom Musa the Dagoretti North Anc youth league chairman.
Yesterday, while attending a church in Karen Hardy, Hon Aladwa called on Naurobians to consider a pure luhya for governorship on Odm in 2022.
Hon Aladwa spoke this in full glare of cameras as his party Sg and leader watched.
Sakaja faced off with ODM’s Sifuna in 2017 with Sakaja winning on Jubilee party.
We shall support Sakaja for governorship once he declares his intention.
Senator Sakaja has not declared his intention for governorship but talk in town has it that the law maker should vie for the seat left vacant by Sonko.
“Our resolve to make Mudavadi the 5th president of Kenya is unstoppable and therefore anybody standing on our way should only do so by offering a better alternative not by whiping ethnic emotions.Our country is bleeding economically and the only saviour we know is Hon Musalia Mudavadi” concluded Gumo .