It’s Tim’s time to liberate Nairobi declares Hon Mayunzu as she drums up support for the Westlands MP.

Kenyans will head back to the ballot in 2027 but alignments and positioning have already began.
Nairobi city county which houses the country’s state house is slowly getting engulfed into political mood.At the centre of interest is the city’s top seat which is currently under UDA’s Governor Sakaja.
Westlands MP Hon Timothy Wanyonyi who is currently serving his third term as a law maker is taunted as a front runner. Hon Tim Wanyonyi is viewed by many as a go getter, well versed with city politics and given a chance can transform the city of Nairobi.

According to Hon Caroline Mayunzu, Nairobi needs a devoted selfless leader who must fold his sleeves and serve Nairobians well. The one time member of the Nairobi county assembly who unsuccessfully vied for Nairobi women rep seat in the last elections believes that there can never be a better person to transform Nairobi than Hon Tim Wanyonyi.
“Nairobi needs a doctor not a mortician, we have all seen how Hon Tim has transformed Westlands constituency, we need not gamble in 2027. Nairobi is in ICU and we need a doctor to resuscitate it and bring Nairobi back to life. If we gamble and bring a mortician then we shall have ourselves to blame when the once city in the sun shall be dead. We must have an honest conversation with ourselves. Hon Tim has clearly stated that it is not about him but it is about Nairobians under the Clarion call ‘Si Mimi Ni Sisi” said Hon Mayunzu.
The firebrand politician was speaking in Dagoretti North where she held several engagements with the youths and women of Dagoretti North during an ODM party membership registration drive that is currently ongoing.
In the same breath, Hon Mayunzu has urged city electorates to be vigilant and ready to send home those elected leaders who are not performing.
“I also want to urge Nairobians to be on the lookout and send those non performing leaders home. As a party, we are readying ourselves to take over the country’s leadership in 2027 and to do this, we must select leaders who are ready to serve our people” said Mayunzu.
Hon Mayunzu disqueled fears that ODM shall crumble once Raila leaves to Addis Ababa in his new role as AUC chairman.

“As we continue popularising our party, I want to assure you all that our Party shall remain strong even as we release our captain to serve our continent. Baba will be in Addis Ababa Ethiopia but he remains our leader. Let us not despair because Addis is just a one hour flight to Nairobi. Let us focus on building our party.” Concluded Mayunzu.
Hon Tim Wanyonyi is set to challenge Gov Sakaja for Nairobi governorship in 2027. The Westlands MP shelves his ambitions in 2022 infavor of Azimios Polycarp Igathe who was trounced by Sakaja. Observers believe that most of Hon Tim’s supporters gave Raila a contempt card and voted for Sakaja in protest. If this narrative is anything to go by then Tim Wanyonyi has very realistic chances of winning the seat