Easter present for private security guards as government sets 30k minimum wage: Isaac Andabwa KNPSWU SG

Mr Isaac Andabwa is arguably the face of private security guards in Kenya. These workforce that boasts of over 1.3Million Kenyans is the most overlooked in our republic. Mr Andabwa has taken it upon himself under the umbrella body called KNPSWU to change the fortunes. Himself aformer private security provider/guard, Andabwa understands what the guards go through from meagre remuneration to harsh working conditions hence his relentless efforts to change this industry. Things could soon change for better for all the guards in Kenya as private guards gather at the historic Uhuru park on 30th which has been dubbed as 30th for 30k.
The Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) has announced a mass registration event scheduled to take place at Uhuru Park Nairobi.

The initiative, mandated by Sections 21 and 28 of the Private Security Regulation Act No. 13 of 2016, requires all individuals engaged in providing or offering private security services in Kenya to undergo security vetting and registration by the PSRA .

Fazul Mohamed, the CEO and director general of the Private Security Regulatory Authority, underscored the significance of this mass registration event in a public notice
The training, registration, and licensing of private security officers are not only mandatory statutory requirements but also pivotal in addressing key professional development areas within the private security industry,” said Fazul.
“Freedom” for the 1.3 Million Security Guards in Kenya. The Park, where Independent Kenya’s freedom was once proclaimed, shall now witnesses the birth of a new era – one where security guards stand side by side irrespective of their companies of employment, where their welfare shall be addressed, professionalism infused, voices amplify, and where their impact reverberates across the Nation
ISaac Andabwa sg KNPSWU.
The guard force number serves as the sole proof of registration and licencing by the PSRA, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the law.
The mass registration forum, scheduled to commence at 08:30am., is free of charge for all attendees, and private security stakeholders are requested to confirm the attendance of their officers through email at communication@psra.go.ke or by contacting Sophia Matheka at +254 700 892 475 to facilitate proper planning .
We must acknowledge the sacrifices that private security officers make everyday by safeguarding our communities.
ISaac Andabwa KNPSWU SG
They are heroes who play a vital role in society yet their struggles are often unnoticed.
Therefore we affirm that the 30k minimum wage is payable to all private security officers.
#30kfor30th #KNPSWU #SecurityKe
On the same wavelength, Mr Isaac G.M.Andabwa the secretary General of the Kenya National Private Security. worked Union (KNPSWU) the umbrella body that has been at the forefront in championing for the rights of the security guards has welcomed the decision to set minimum wage at 30,000Ksh as a milestone and a step in the right direction.
He however acknowledges the hard work that was put in and immense lobbying which has now borne fruits.
”Our number one commitment is to address the challenges facing the private security officers in Kenya in addition to improving their welfare.
We are therefore calling out all private security officers to show up in large numbers on the 30th of March 2024 for the mass registration.
This important event will pave way for a brighter future for all private security officers (security guards” Andabwa said.
On February 14, the Private Security Regulatory Authority (PSRA) achieved a temporary victory regarding its decision to set a minimum wage for private security guards at Ksh30,000 per month. This was after the Employment and Labour Relations Court threw out a case that had been filed by private security companies .