
7 things causing murder and homicide in Kenya.

Life is a gem. Life a precious jewel so they say. They say it is not a rehearsal but in a real sense, life is a rehearsal. You become what you repeatedly rehearse in your mind, in your head, and subsequently in your body. The images you expose yourself to, the company you keep, the friends you hang out with all make you rehearse your general outlook. Everything has an effect on you.

Today, Kenya, coupled with Covid-19 ravaging effects, economic struggle, and political deception shooting from everywhere, the negative stress emanating from these issues is beginning to manifest as you watch the news, the stories you hear, see, or being broadcast, it is evident something is happening in this country that is promising to tear apart the social fabric.

A report by Macrotrends suggests an increase in Kenya’s Murder/Homicide rate. They wrote:

” Intentional homicides are estimates of unlawful homicides purposely inflicted as a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, inter-gang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups. Intentional homicide does not include all intentional killing; the difference is usually in the organization of the killing”

” Individuals or small groups usually commit homicide, whereas killing in armed conflict is usually committed by fairly cohesive groups of up to several hundred members and is thus usually excluded”

  • Kenya’s murder/homicide rate for 2018 was 4.93, a 0.37% increase from 2017.
  • Kenya’s murder/homicide rate for 2017 was 4.91, a 1.93% increase from 2016.
  • Kenya’s murder/homicide rate for 2016 was 4.82, a 2.01% increase from 2015.
  • Kenya’s murder/homicide rate for 2015 was 4.72, a 4.32% decline from 2014.

When you look at the percentages above and you compare them with what is currently happening, it is becoming evident that no single Kenyan is safe from his or her partner, from his environment, or his or her estate. You just don’t know when the next sad news will break up and who will be the next victim. The country has been treated to a series of hard and nerve-racking news where murder has been organized and committed under the cover of the night.

From a moral point of view, when you watch this news, many questions linger on your mind as to what is the motive behind these heinous crimes. The crimes or these murders know no boundary. Families are losing their kindred, loved ones, relatives, and friends from the brutal force of people they first thought of as good. What has happened in our social fabric? What is happening within the nucleus of the family unit? Are we all getting it wrong? Is Kenya lacking canceling facility system where people can run to or vent their blocked feelings and emotions?

Something new needs to happen, the young people who are dying from brutal primitive minds in this country is sickening. Kids are becoming orphans at an early age. Crimes of passion are on the increase or deals gone sour is also on the increase. Why murder if things are not working out? Why not think the other way, or walk out. These crimes are being planed and committed by the male gander. Is the society raising men who are prone to violence or the society is lacking the fatherly figure who can guide the young men of today?

The list of young girls who have died from the hands of the so called lovers is doubling up as time moves forward. Hacking has become the norm or the only solution for settling romance issues. In Kenya, there is no permanent woman for you or man for you and that’s where the problem begins. The kind of music and videos you watch are sublimely fueling infidelity in relationships and that’s why the end product is becoming murder. If you are not keen to what you are consuming, you will definitely end up being, acting or behaving as the product you consume.

Here are the solutions to decrease murder or homicide in Kenya.

  1. Pay attention to suggestions coming from your friends.
  2. If you have a problem in a relationship seek advice from your seniors, not your peers. For instance- if your friend is not married, seek no advice from him or her.
  3. Music plays a big part in your thinking or feeling. Some songs carry negative imagery or metaphors and subtly or sublimely, if you keep listening to these songs repeatedly you will end up becoming the character the song is displaying.
  4. A video is a powerful tool for programming. Some videos are not good for entertainment. In fact, there is nothing like entertainment. Anything you are consuming cannot be entertainment. If you consume food are you entertaining yourself or you are building your body? So the images you play in your house repeatedly are not entertainment, you are actually programming yourself, how you will look in the near future.
  5. The books you read are also unimportant. Some literature in this world is not meant for your consumption. Some evil people write books to spread their evil ideas on a mass scale. So pay attention to what you are reading. No one had studied mathematics and taught English. You become what you consume, and what you plant is what you harvest.
  6. Your mind is susceptible to anything. In fact, it is aware of its environment without your conscious attention. Your mind is aware of anything and anyone in the room, whether you are conscious or not. The mind is always registering what is happening within your environment way ahead before you consciously arrive. So pay attention to what you consume, from friends, books, music, and videos.
  7. Money is the lowest form of motivation. Don’t get motivated or fall to a man or woman who is splashing money before you. Money is not the best form of motivation in a relationship. When your focus is money, you will assume or bypass so many pertinent issues due to money. Eventually, you will be killed, murdered, or hurt and you will not go with money. Work for your money, offer credible services for money but don’t offer your body as an exchange for money. History is littered with romances gone bad because of the illusion of money.
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