Badili Africa lauded for changing mens mindset on GBV in Kawangware area

Badili Africa anon profit making organizations has been louded for its efforts in championing an end to GBV i informal settlements in Nairobi.
On 10th October as Kenyans were busy celebrating Huduma day, Badili Africa under the stewardship of its Ceo and founder Bina Maseno pitched tent in Kawangware area with the sole aim of sanitizing residents not only on the dangers of GBV but on how to end the scourge once and for all.
This open baraza was held at Muslim village where deliberate efforts were made to make it an all male forum.
According to the planners, it was believed that having the conversation centered around the male folks and letting them help find causes and possible solutions will drastically reduce the prevalence besides opening the GBV debate within male folks.
John maluki giving his views during the forum.
According to Mr John Maluki a residence of Kawangware, men have been suffering in silenc e and find it quite hard to seek help or counselling.
“Men are equal victims of GBV.Their status in the community as male beings deny them the luxury of openly seeking help whenever their spouses become abusive. This trend must change only through such interractive barazas where issues are openly deliberated ” said Maluki.
In the male only open forum, it was unanimously agreed that poor communication or lack of it was the singlemost major cause of GBV in Kawangware. Tough economic times which exert pressure on revenue streams and the general feeling amongst the male folks that they are the head of the family and must wield absolute power by relegating women into performing household chores unpaid were also sighted as causes of GBV.
Using male as champions against GBV will yield fruits in Kawangware-Hesborn Ombui aka Hesssy.
Through a Male-led sensitization forum, we brought together remarkable male champions in Kawangware as allies in the fight against gender-based violence, where we facilitated a meaningful discussion about gender-related issues and challenged deep-rooted gender stereotypes.We created a supportive, respectful community where everyone, regardless of their gender, plays a vital role in eradicating GBV.
Together, we are turning the tide on GBV, fostering a more inclusive and respectful environment.
# menasalliesagainstGBV ----------Bina Maseno, BadiliAfrica CEO.
According to Hesborn Ombui aka Hessy, statistics on GBV are at an all time high in informal settlements.
“We must make deliberate efforts to engage all stake holders in such forums and help eradicate this scourge. Children raised in an abusive environment turn out as social misfits besides when they come of age and get into marriage, the likelihood of their turning violent against their spouses is high. I want to salute Badili afrika for this very noble initiative. Please let such engagements be held regularly and eventually we shall change not only Kawangware but Nairobi and Kenya as a whole.
Hesborn ombui.
There is no doubt that the seeds planted by Badili africa will give fruits ahundredfold going by the enthusiasm with which the men left the forum with.