
Godfrey Kanoti arrested & detained by police as pressure from ANC supporters pile on Godfrey Osotsi over reckless remarks he uttered on ANC party & ANC Party leader

Standing alone on the pavements of parliament, the nominated mp, Godfrey Osotsi stood to address members of fourth estate.

Rumours says that, on the eve of the presser, his peers and friends who constituted the so called youthful mps from western, and who serve with him in parliament and senate, and subscribe to Atwoli philosophy, had warned him not to do the presser.

They had gathered at a local joint, to deliberate on the issue of addressing the media the following day now that Ayub Savula had let the cat out of the bag. They all agreed to discontinue with the presser. His mp friends said ” we will not show up tomorrow at parliament building” Let’s forget about presser. Their pleas fell on deaf ears as the nominated mp refused to listen to them and was found all alone, cutting an image of a lonely man without friends, on parliament pavements with a message whose subject mission was to deliver misinformation.

He stood there, sounding lonely, making wild allegations with unsubstantiated claims from a busket of imagination, disparaging the party leader, the party that sponsored him to parliament and actually mudslinging the man who gave him a chance to be, what he is and where he is today.

Hon. Musalia has done enough, and more than enough to build the career of the nominated mp who at the moment, seems to be under the influence of some dark political spells.

He made unfortunate statements to the nation demeaning the high profile of Musalia Mudavadi without blinking nor feeling remorseful. This is a man who was struggling within Nairobi to make ends meet. There is no comparison between him and Musalia Mudavadi, who has served the Republic of Kenya in high profile positions with distinction.

He has given his life to public service and his record stands tall in the state departments he served and he is among the top ranking political leaders in the country today. Politician among leaders who can become president today. He only deserves honour and respect because many of these youthful mps will not achieve what the ANC leader has achieved as a public servant.

The statements by the nominated mp on the pavements of parliament building has elicited strong reactions and feelings from Musalia Mudavadi supporters across the country. Many people have questioned the first time mp whose motive is he speaking for, whose agenda is he serving and what purpose was that presser for?

He alleged that the term office for the ANC boss comes to an end on 15th June 2020. He said this while forgetting that since 2017 election, he has never stepped in the ANC HQ. Many things have happened, many events have taken place within his absence.

The party has moved on without his input and when he was SG, allegations said, he mismanaged the nominations of the party primaries. At some point he was accused of nominating her mother IN LAW into a county assembly. So the problem he has created for himself with ANC supporters is huge. Many supporters have decided to send him unprintable messages and some have gone out of context to border on his life.

It’s with this that he has decided to report the matter to police and record statements, leading to the arrest and detaining of Godfrey Kanoti. Mr. Kanoti is a Musalia supporter who was infuriated with the unfortunate comments that were made by Godfrey Osotsi. Kanoti was detained and released but ordered to report to DCI on Monday 15th at 2: 00pm at Parliament police station. Will Hon. Osotsi contain the political pressure directed towards him?

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