Time is up for Fkf Standard Reporter Toskin tell Mwendwa as bribery allegations fly”
The rot in Fkf is either being covered or uncovered by sports journalists who receive cash to either mis inform, help cover up the ills in fkf or expose the same. All these depend on which side one plays for.
A tweet from @KenOkaka1000 the FKF PR officer has revealed below.
Journalists cannot always guarantee ‘truth’, but getting the facts right is the cardinal principle of journalism. …
But when Journalist are paid to malign others.
The above tweet was followed by whatsap messages with renowned sports journalist Robin Toskin being roasted for being a bullet for hire.
Sadique journalist ” Toskin you are an enemy of progress in Kenyan football”.
Toskin replied ” so when i thought you are a voice of reason kumbe you have become an apologist”.
Sadique got mad and revealed as below…
Sadique: can you @Toskin declare that you have not been paid to malign FKF through your editorials? Need we publish mpesa messages for you to come clean?
At this point Toskin agrees that yes he has “eaten lunch ” but from both sides.
Sadique goes a head and shares an mpesa code which forces Toskin to beg to retire from the chat but not before he brings Ntv’s Seth Olale into the picture by writing.
Toskin Standard: Toa pia ya Seth Olale.
To which Sadique responds. Our evidence will not be shared publicly, we shall share with the investigative agencies at the appropriate time.
It did not just end there, NTV’ Seth Olale joined the fray and wrote
Seth Ntv: Goodmorning @Toskin, you are a bullet for hire. Whose’s interest do you represent?This kind of vigor and stimulant is being sponsored by who? I hear you are being positioned to take over Barry’s position in the new alignment?.
In a separate rejoinder, Standard newsman Robin Toskin has scoffed at Ken Okaka the fkf communication and Pr officer as a man under siege.
Toskin wrote: Kariobangi crooks hitting back after being exposed. No amount of blackmail wont help. Sports Tribunal has ruled time up for fkf.
On bribery allegations, Toskin exonerated himself by sharing the same code that a fellow journalist had shared but surprisingly it shows his mpesa balance at a time.
Whatever the case both Fkf and our sports journalists are irredeemably rotten.
See attached chats