
Mudavadi’s wisdom on BBI shocks Raila as Uhuru implements changes behind Raila’s knowledge.

The politics of tactics and strategy played out before the release of the final BBI document with a call to Kenyans to append their signatures. The Country had been caught in the ugly drama of chest thumbing vs Inner strength and wisdom as the BBI storm ragged over.

Conspicuously leading the chest game was non other than the Handshake Partner who was hell bent on ensuring that there are no more changes on the BBI snake. HE once said, ” The snake has left the cave and it will begin to bite anyone standing in its way” He looked like he was in charge of the process, calling shots, planning behind the curtains, and pulling the curtains on everyone, yet, that is far from the truth if the state of the current BBI is anything to go by.

From the onset at Bomas of Kenya, the handshake partner seemed programmed to deliver BBI and its contents just as it was, but at Bomas, events seemed to be elusive as the Amani Party leader was the first to fire reservation shot on specific issues eg, The office of the Ombudsman and the role of the Senate in devolution.

Musalia’s position was known right away as he said ” The document was good but there were some grey areas that needed clarity” , a proposition that was not greeted with Love from the supporters of the Handshake partner. The supporters tried bad manners but as objective as he is, the Amani boss delivered his reservations that inspired other Kenyans with alternative views to begin to speak.

From the courage exhibited by the Amani boss, The deputy president also gathered enough courage and poked holes in the document as the supporters of the other handshake partners jeered. Nonetheless, he delivered his reservation while picking on the points that were mentioned earlier by Amani boss.

After the event at Bomas, it was evident that the document in its current state couldn’t be accepted unless otherwise. Sensing there was going to be a non contested contest referendum, the handshake partner took charge and demonstrated through a series of press statements, saying ” There shall be no more changes to the document” Little did he know, by the abrasive manner in which he charged his pole, the more he charged the other pole, meaning changes were inevitable.

It is through Mudavadi’s wisdom that the BBI document was changed and many of the contested issues removed. This has left the handshake partner coming out to defend his position on BBI. Facts remain facts, BBI was changed, changes were inserted without the knowledge of the handshake partner. This has simply made the AMANI boss, Hon. Musalia Mudavadi and other anti-contested referendum win without contest.

Hon. Musalia Mudavadi has scored against his arch rival in a bloodless battle. He didn’t fire even a single bullet. Like the Carthaginian general, his tactics on BBI and his strategy have defeated chest thumbing without intelligence. There shall be no us vs them or them vs us. It is Kenyans who will either accept or reject the referendum bill. It looks like it is a win-win rather than lose/win scenario.

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