
Great thinkers have advised that power is TOTAL and NOT SHARED.

President Uhuru Kenyatta is taking back full reins of power. He is implementing what all ancient and modern political writers have written.

From Ancient Athens through Renaissance Period upto now, Great Thinkers have advised that power is TOTAL and NOT SHARED. Uhuru is taking back all his powers.

He will delegate it only to those who will channel his sole authority. There will be no room for disloyalty. Now where does this place those willing to join him?

As long as Uhuru is president, all who are joining him should know, THEY are joining Uhuru government, Uhuru will only delegate a portion of his power to them, he will decide what to give them, whether they like it or not, he will remain a powerful man, and they will SUBMIT to him, SERVE him from lowlands of Nyando and from highland of Mount Kenya , they will not exercise any power unless they seek EXPRESS authority from him.

Uhuru has taken on the thoughts of GREAT thinkers as was advised by this quote from Chapter 18 of The Prince about keeping faith, or being true to your word, Machiavelli is instructing a Prince/ PRESIDENT on how to behave and how to keep up appearances.

He says it’s very important to appear MERCIFUL, FAITHFULL, HUMANE, UPRIGHT, and RELIGIOUS. He also says that one must be prepared to act in a manner contrary to the appearance to keep up the appearance.

This is because everyone can see what you appear to be, and only a few will get close enough to touch you and actually find out what happened.  So the troops going to government should know, if they are not going to SERVE and PROMOTE the agenda of Uhuru Kenyatta, the same fate that has met Dr. William Ruto, will meet them in REVERSE. So whether they join the government or the government joins them, Results will always be good for the leader of the government of the day.

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